Kindergarten – גן ילדים

Welcome to Miss Regina’s Kindergarten class!




Weekly Newsletter for the week of 4/19/2023


ELA – Kindergarten began a new unit of persuasive writing this week! It is not much different than opinion writing, so it is an easy transition between the two units. They also took their spelling tests on -igh words and did so well! They started learning about caterpillars through their blue readers. Very soon, they will be starting their fourth book!

Math – Kindergarten is completing their subtraction unit, but will continue to practice their skills throughout the rest of the school year. They will begin their unit on money upon their return to school. We have completed 141 days of school and only have 31 days left!!! 

Social Studies – The students worked on their map skills. They learned how to read a small map and practiced their cardinal directions.

Ms. Regina