Third Grade – כיתה ג

Welcome to Mrs. Spiegel’s and Mrs. Tran’s Third Grade Class!


Weekly Newsletter for the week of 6/7/2023


We had another busy and productive week in 2nd and 3rd grade. The 3rd graders are working on their Chumash skills and the 2nd graders are preparing for their Chumash Play which will take place G-d willing Tuesday June 18 at 9:15 am. We look forward to seeing you there. This Shabbat we complete the third book of the five books of the Torah. We reviewed the main points of each portion in Sefer V’yikra. Shabbat Shalom, Morah Spiegel


A big Mazel Tov to the Hanukah family on Izzy’s bar mitzvah. May you see much Nachat.


This week, our scholars tackled the iReady assessments, both reading and math sections. It is so exciting to see and celebrate our scholars’ growth from the midyear session to this end of year session. I am so proud of how much our readers, writers, and mathematicians have grown. All their efforts during class, monthly reading goals, and writing prompt journaling have paid off. Well done, third graders!

Mrs. Tran