Dvar Torah

Parshat VaYakhel/Shekalim
Candle Lighting 5:25

This week after the Torah is read in Shul, a second Torah is removed and an additional portion is read.
We read about how each Jew contributed a 1/2 shekel coin each year toward the Korbonot brought in the Mishkan/Bais HaMikdash. Every Jew was obligated to bring the same amount. We are told that a rich man cannot give more and a poor man cannot give less.

We are all equals in the eyes of Hashem. Hashem wants each of us to have part and to do our part in the service in the Mishkan/Bais HaMikdash. No matter what role we may play in life, no matter our financial circumstances or abilities, no matter where we may live or what we do to support ourselves, every person counts. Every person must contribute. Every person is a part of that whole. Not even one person’s contribution can be left out. Each person’s role is essential and is a necessary part of the master plan.

One person may have a more glamorous job. Another person might have a more obvious role. One person may have more respect. Another person may have more schooling. At the end of the day, we all need to do our best in the role we have been assigned. We all need to make sure our contribution to the big picture is complete to the best of our abilities.

Mrs. Rosskamm
Judaics Studies Coordinator

Special Announcements

Dear SIHA Family,

Please be reminded that Mishloach Manot orders are due by March 3rd!

School pictures will be taken on 03/07 and 03/08.

  • 03/07 K-5th grade with sibling pictures
  • 03/08 6-8th grade and staff

Ordering information can be found on form found here: https://form.jotform.com/13134053030
Any questions can be addressed to our PTA President, Naama Zadok at [email protected]
The deadline for placing orders is Friday, March 4th,


Kindergarten and First Grade
We baruch Hashem had another great week in Kindergarten and first grade Judaics!
In kriah, the first graders are knee-deep in their new green aleph champs! They are learning the nekuda chirik. The kindergarteners celebrated finishing their white aleph champs and began learning the letter samach! They learned about praying from a “siddur” and made their very own ones!
In kesiva, The first graders learned how to write the letters pay and daled. They do a great job!
We began learning about the upcoming holiday of Purim this week! It is so exciting to hear the Purim story about King Achashveirosh’s party and what happened to his wife Queen Vashti. We are taking great care to write the Purim story in our beautiful megillas that we are each making!
On Friday we each got to make our very own challahs! It was super exciting and we can’t wait to eat them on Shabbat!
Have a great week!
Looking forward to another great week!

Second Grade

2nd grade accomplished so much this week. They love playing Beat the Clock in Kriya and can see for themselves how their reading skills improved. We spent a lot of time reviewing Hebrew prefixes and many familiar vocabulary words. We are learning all about Purim and spoke a little about the more recent Purim miracle of the Gulf War which took place in 1990-91. During that time there were 39 missiles sent into heavily populated areas of Israel, yet by the grace of Hashem there were hardly any casualties. This was also right after the downfall of communist regime in Russia and many Russian Jews returned to the land of their forefathers after years of religious oppression in Russia. Sadly, one of the first things they received upon arriving was a gas mask. On February 29,1991 ( which coincided with Purim that year) President George Bush announced a ceasefire and the war was over. Just as G-d saved the Jewish nation 2000 years earlier during the time of Queen Esther, the cycle of history repeats itself with Hashem’s miracles saving the Jews again. While other nations and empires have come and gone over the past 2000 years. Through miracles the Jewish nation continues to survive. 

Third Grade

Welcome back! We had a great week of learning.
We started to learn about the Purim story! They are all so excited.
We also continued to learn the Parshiot. We now know the first 2 books of the Torah.
The students are really knowing their brachot. We say them beautifully each day.
We ended off by a wonderful Parsha lesson which they all participated in beautifully.
This week Lielle Garber was chosen to take home our Siddur. Great job!
Can’t wait for a fun filled week as we prepare for Purim!

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Ferber

Fourth Grade

Dear Parents,

This week was a week to remember for life.
The Chumash celebration was a true joy to be part of. Each child shone as they performed amazingly. The feeling of excitement in the air was truly remarkable. The boys practiced for many long weeks, and it was sure well worth it.
Thank you to all the Parents who took time from their busy schedules to join us.

In Tefilla we spoke about the first Haliluka. It speaks about praising Hashem with all our being. We discussed that our life mission is to Praise Hashem.
In our Chumash class we spoke about how Avrohom warned his shepherds not to let their animals graze in other peoples’ fields. We emphasized how important it is to be careful with other peoples’ belongings.
In Halacha class we were excited to start learning about the upcoming Holiday of Purim.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom,
Stay healthy and well.
Rabbi Berelowitz

5th and 6th Boys

This week we reviewed Mishna 1-3 of the first perek in Mesechet Sukkah.The boys completed a worksheet on Mishna 2-3 and Boruch Hashem they knew the material very well. We also learned Parshah Points on this week’s parshah Parshat Vayakhel and we read in class the first 5 pesukim of Megilat Esther.The boys also davened very well. We missed Rabbi Kuritzky this week and we are looking forward to him coming back next week. Have a good Shabbat.

7th and 8th Boys

Dear Parents,

We had a busy week and covered many new and exciting topics.

We delved into the topic of Berachos. We discussed the various Berachos which we are required to recite before eating foods. We also discussed which Berachos are meant to be said after we are done eating. We explained how these Berachos are a way of saying thanks to Hashem for the delicious food.

In Biur Tefilla class we spoke about the Beracha of Ahava Rabbah. The Beracha discusses the intense love that Hashem has towards us. We also ask Hashem to unite us and bring us together so we can properly serve Him.

In Gemara we spoke about how it is better to learn the study of Torah than the Korbonot of Shlomo Hamelech.

In Halacha we started learning about the exciting upcoming Holiday of Purim.

Topics from the Parsha:
שַׁבָּת הַחוֹדֶשׁ: this is the last of the 4 special פַּרְשִׁיוֹת . We take out 2 סִפְרֵי תּוֹרָה, the first one we ‘layn’ is פרשת ויקהל and פּקודי and the second one we ‘layn’ is from פרשת בֹּא which tells us about the Mitzva of רֹאשׁ חֹדֶשׁ.
מֹשֶה רַבֵּינוּ gathered together all the Jews to tell them about the building of the משכן.
The Jews were very excited to hear that Hashem had forgiven them for the חֵטְא הָעֵגֶל and that His שְׁכִינָה would be close to them. They very quickly and generously gave up their gold, silver etc. to help build the משכן.
The next day a message was sent: “We have enough materials, please don’t bring any more.” The 12 נְשִׂאִים were disappointed because they hadn’t given anything yet. They were only able to give the 2 stones for the אֵפוֹד and the 12 stones for the חוֹשֶׁן. Since they didn’t give right away, a letter was taken from their name ((נְשִׂאִם, and it is written in the תורה without a י.

Have a Good Shabbos!

Rabbi Berelowitz

Elementary School


This week kindergarten began reading their second first grade reader and they all did amazing! They learned how to compare and contrast the first 2 stories in the reader. They learned how to read er, ir, and ur words and how to spell words that have blends at the end of the word. The class had a lot of fun celebrating Twosday. They had a Twoday dance party, did things in twos, made a Twosday hat, and they wrote about what they will do when they turn 22 years old. In math they learned how to solve subtraction word problems by writing number sentences, using number lines, ten frames, number bonds, drawing pictures, counting on, and making bar models. In science they learned all about magnets. They had a lot of fun experimenting with magnets to discover which objects are magnetic and which objects are not magnetic. In social studies they continued to work on their social studies fair projects. The children know all about their topics and they are so excited for the social studies fair!

First Grade

This week our first graders read a story about a girl named Rosina who attends a school for the deaf. While examining the main idea and details, we learned that Rosina’s family and school are not that different from SIHA. Students also finished the first half of the Singapore Math curriculum. They are excited to see their progress.

Second Grade
2nd grade had a very fun week! This past Tuesday was “Two’s Day”! On February 2nd, one of my students pointed out that the date was all 2’s. 2/2/22. Another student then said, that will happen again on 2/22/22. We looked at our calendar, and to our amazement, 2/22/22 was on Tuesday, or should I say “Two’s Day.” The students suggested we have a “Two’s Day” party, and I loved the idea! Parents sent in goodies, and we celebrated this palindromic date! In our academics, we had some unit tests this week! We had a unit test in math, on multiplication and division using 2 and 3. In grammar, we had a test on verbs. I was very pleased with the grades on these tests! We are also finishing up Charlotte’s Web, while continuing to practice our parts for the social studies fair.
In science, students learned the cause of the seasons; were able to understand and discuss basic facts about the moon; Identify which phase of the moon occurs in various locations in its orbit around Earth.

Third Grade

In science, students learned and discussed the importance of water and what is groundwater; learned the processes that water goes through across the planet. Developed an understanding of why it is important to take care of our water resources.

Fourth Grade

This week in ELA we continued to prepare for the State test. Completed reading comprehension, short and long response writing.
In math we worked on adding , subtracting, solving word problems, and converting decimals. We continue to practice for the state test and noetic contest.
In Social Studies we read, discussed and answered questions about The American Indians and the early settlers of the Midwest.

In science, students became familiar with the processes involved in volcanic eruptions; understood the way eruption types form from volcanic cones; identified the differences in magma viscosity and how it relates to volcanic eruption explosiveness.

Fifth Grade

Greetings and salutations!
This week has been short but busy for 5th grade. We continued learn new vocabulary words. We also continued our novel study in class. We discussed what we read, wrote journals, and answered questions over the reading. We also practiced comparing and contrasting the setting in a story.
Lastly, the 5th graders began a small procedural writing project over how to make their favorite breakfast!

In science, students learned and described how water, wind and ice change landforms; explored the science of weathering and erosion to understand how Earth’s surface changes. Students discovered what happens during weathering, and the different ways this material is moved through erosion.

Middle School

Middle School ELA and Social Studies

6th Grade ELA and Social Studies

Sixth graders had a good week! We continued our novel study of Watsons go to Birmingham. We also completed our vocabulary unit, and will be practicing for our unit test next week!

In Social Studies, our whole week was about getting ready for our Social Studies Fair. We wrapped up our research papers and are preparing our presentations!

7th Grade ELA and Social Studies

Seventh graders had a great week! We continued our novel study of Night by Elie Weisel. Students read passages and discussed them in class. We also continued our test prep, specifically in long responses.
In social studies, our whole week was about preparing for the Social Studies Fair. We practiced our debates, and every team got to go at least once!

8th Grade ELA and Social Studies

Eighth graders had a great week! We continued our novel study of Fahrenheit 451. We read passages and discussed them in class. We also wrapped up our vocabulary unit and are preparing for a test next week.
In Social Studies, we are wrapping up our speech writing, and practiced giving speeches in class. I can’t wait to see what the 8th graders prepare for next week!

Middle School Math

5th grade is finishing up their unit on decimals.
6th grade is learning about percentage.
7th grade finished the module on slope and did a mini project. They had to write their name and color code which lines were positive, negative, zero, and undefined.
8th grade is learning how to perform operations with polynomials.

Middle School Science

6th grade
The students were able to name each layer of the Earth’s atmosphere; described each layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. The students will be able to define the “Greenhouse Effect”. The students learned about the Ozone Layer and were able to explain the importance of the Ozone Layer.
Students considered heat transfers that occur in everyday situations and investigated three specific ways that heat moves: conduction, convection, and radiation; described and gave examples of the three methods of heat transfer.

7th Grade

As students learn about the nervous system and the brain, they are conducting research. Each student was assigned an organ of the nervous system and/or a part of the brain that they had to investigate. Students researched the importance of their organ and identified the role of their organ, where it is located, what it’s special function is and how it interacts with other parts of the body. Once this was established, students had to investigate using two of the five questions, or create their own question. These were some sample questions provided: How does trauma affect the cerebellum? How does poor diet choices affect the cerebellum? How do toxins affect the cerebellum? What body systems or organs are affected if the cerebellum is damaged? Students plugged their part into the question and investigated various sources to complete a summary. Students then had to state their claim and provide evidence that supports their claim. As they continue to work hard, next week I will publish some of their results. Excellent Job, 7th Grade.

8th Grade Science

8th graders just completed their Diffusion Through Membrane state lab. Students investigated which molecules were able to diffuse through the membrane. Students created a model cell and filled it with glucose and starch solutions. They placed this cell into a beaker with water and iodine and waited 20 minutes to investigate exactly what took place. Students were able to make the conclusions that the iodine diffused into the cell and created a chemical reaction with the starch solution. This was evidenced by the color inside the cell, as it turned a blue/black color. Then students had to investigate even further to determine what happened to the glucose solution, if anything. Students had to undergo a few tests to determine if the glucose did in fact diffuse out of the cell. They had to place water from the beaker into a test tube with Benedict’s solution and Iodine to determine if it did in fact diffuse, but they discovered that this was not the way to test for glucose. So, upon further investigation, they placed water from the beaker that the cell was placed in a test tube and added Benedict’s solution, then they placed their test tube into a bubbling beaker and waited five minutes to determine if glucose did in fact diffuse out of the cell. Upon completion of their investigation they determined that glucose did in fact diffuse out of the cell, as this was evidenced by the color change. Once the test tube liquid was heated in a water bath the color changed to green, then to orange which is indicative of the presence of glucose. This was the conclusion of their lab.

Jewish History

7th grade had a very exciting review of Unit 2, Our Nation’s Founders. The students had beautiful recall of what we learned and had a lot of fun sharing that information as we prepare for a test next week.

8th grade finished learning about the times of the second Bais HaMikdash and began watching a beautiful video about it.