Fifth Grade – כיתה ה

Welcome to Rabbi Kuritsky’s and Ms. Tatic’s Fifth Grade Classroom!

Weekly Newsletter for 5/17/2023

Judaic Studies

Parasha Emor

We learned that the tribe of Levi was chosen to work in the Mishkan/Beit Hamikdosh as they did NOT serve the golden calf or any other idols even when their brethren did. They also were not remiss in the Mitzvah of Brit Milah albeit their brethren were.

Kohanim[plural for Kohen] are the main people to serve in the Mishkan/Beit Hamikdosh ergo they are required to keep themselves from impurity i.e. dead bodies. Therefore they are not permitted to be under the same roof or within 4 cubits [approximately 7 feet] of a dead person., unless it is their next of kin. this is only applicable to their; father, mother, son, daughter,brother/unmarried sister.

A Kohen Gadol=the High Priest is never  permitted to do so even to his next of kin. The only exception would be a Meis Mitzva=a jew who died and there is no one else available to take care of his burial. This would also apply to all the other Kohanim. There are many other laws that apply even today when there is no Beit Hamikdosh.


We completed learning the laws of Sefirat Haomer and began the laws and customs of Shavuot. We also began reading the intriguing story of Rabbi Akiva who’s students we mourn during this period of time.


We studied Pirkei Avot-Ethics of Fathers and will hopefully implement what we learned.

There is always more in store.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Kuritsky



Secular Studies

Greetings and salutations!

This week we continued to work on our reading skills. We finished our class novel! Huzzah! The students also watched a movie based on the novel as a treat!

We also worked on our writing skills.

In Math we finished off our area unit and took our test.

In Science we finished off our chapter and took our test. We also began the next chapter involving different types of Biomes.

In Social Studies we finished learning about the New England Colonies.

Ms. Tatic