Seventh Grade – כיתה ז

Welcome to seventh grade!

Weekly Newsletter for the week of 4/19/2023

Judaic Studies

Advanced Middle School Judaics

In our Mishnah Class we are learning all about how and why we are so careful to rid our homes of Chametz before Pesach. 

We discussed how chametz is much more serious and stricter than any other non kosher food. It involves the punishment of Karet, which is a very harsh penalty and much sticter than any non kosher food. We also discussed when one someone rid their home of Chametz and how this prohibition actually begins the day before Pesach, Erev Pesach at noon. We discussed what occurs if someone forgot to do this and what he must do to prevent this prohibition to take effect. 

Instead of learning Chumash, we switched this week to learning about the Haggadah and 10 sheets were distributed with insights and thoughts on the various parts of the Seder. Your child has much to say, so please ask them to speak up and share these divrei Torah with all who join you on Seder night.  Remember that many of the things we do at our Siddarim are done to involve the children to participate. Wishing you a Chag Kasher Visamayach /A Happy, Healthy, enjoyable and meaningful Pesach.

Rabbi Dr. Ehrlich

Middle School Judaics



We enjoyed studying from our actual Hagadas that Rabbi kuritsky published for us!

We were able to fill in pertinent information as well as color and decorate it. Wow, what a fun and kinesthetic way of learning.

We are all ready to enjoy the two Sedarim, this coming Monday and Tuesday night.


Parashat Metzora is all about the different ways that G-d sent messages to Jewish people to shape up, especially in the area of proper speech. The messages came in the form of spots on a person’s body, clothing/house. It was only in Eretz Yisrael, but never in Yerushalayim. It could have been sent for being overly haughty and or for being stingy.

We also learned that at times it was a blessing “in disguise”, as when the home was afflicted by a spot on a stone/stones, the stone/stones had to be removed. At times this was a way of HAshem helping the Jewish owner find a treasure hidden there by the previous Emorite dweller of that home.

Jewuish Children’s museum

This past Monday Rabbi Kuritsky joined grades 4 and 5 on this fun and informational excursion.

Please see the photos.

Chag Kosher v’sameach

Wishing you a happy and Kosher Pesach

Shababt Shalom

Have a nice vacation

Ps the custom is to wish “a happy and Kosher Pesach, as it is a challenge to keep kosher for Pesach

Rabbi Kuritsky



Secular Studies

Seventh grade had a busy week!

We took a very meaningful field trip on Monday to the Jewish Heritage Museum. Students learned a lot about the Holocaust. In ELA, this week was all about taking a break from writing to study the visual language of movies. Students learned about different kinds of film techniques, and how movie makers use these to set up the worlds of their story. We also learned about motifs and symbolic use of color and sound. Then, we watched a film and analyzed it for meaning.

In Social Studies, this week was all about starting our Holocaust project. Inspired by our trip, and the research every student did on a different Holocaust Memorial, we will be creating a Holocaust memorial of our own. 

In Science, we wrapped up our unit on the inner planets of the Solar System.